Shelly Palmer

Shelly Palmer Radio Report – June 18, 2012

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Today on Shelly Palmer Digital Living:  For the first time since 1996, the Federal Communications Commissions has decided to revisit the issue of cell phone radiation.  In past studies, there has been little evidence to show that cell phones and other gadgets are dangerous, and of course the mobile phone industry says its devices are perfectly safe.  Despite this, environmental and health advocates worry that over time, devices held close to the head can cause users to develop life threatening brain tumors, as well as headaches, dizziness and memory loss. The FCC is especially interested in whether emission standards should be different for children.  In 2011 the World Health Organization added cell phone radiation to a list of possible carcinogens, and decided that more study was needed.  If you’re really worried about holding a 1 and a half watt microwave transceiver next to your head, consider a wired headset.  Although, there really is no conclusive evidence that you should worry about this at all. Visit to learn more about it. I’m Shelly Palmer.