
HP and Google
  Hewlett-Packard plans to separate its personal-computer and printer businesses from its corporate hardware and services operations, the latest attempt by the technology company to improve its fortunes by breaking itself in two. The company intends to announce the move on Monday, people familiar with the plan said. It is expected to make the split Continue Reading →
Startup Entrepreneur
Unlike a traditional VC, accelerator or incubator, startup studios are company builders. Studios usually build many products simultaneously with shared resources in development, marketing, sales and more. Recent entities that fall loosely under this category is Betaworks, Twitter co-founders’ Obvious Corp and A16Z, which is stocked with teams of marketers, business development execs, recruiters and Continue Reading →
For all the variety that Netflix offers in its programming, its pre-stream browsing can be a little bland. A new Chrome extension called Flix Plus aims to improve that experience and make sure the next movie you watch is a great one.  One of Flix Plus’s biggest improvements is cleaning up Netflix’s suggestions. You know Continue Reading →