Officials seized more than 94,000 bitcoin from Ilya Lichtenstein, 34, and his wife, Heather Morgan, 31, who are accused of conspiracy to launder, not of actually hacking 119,000 BTC from Hong Kong's Bitfinex exchange back in 2016. Continue Reading →
As most of you know, my MetaMask crypto wallet was hacked on Sunday morning and drained of $400 worth of ETH. In the chronicle, which you can read here, I logged how quickly dozens of bots responded to my social media pleas for help. The content (from obvious bots or hackers with good social listening tools) generally pointed me to Instagram accounts or linked me to people who could "help me" get my crypto back. This was all obvious nonsense. Continue Reading →
The Attorney General of the United States announced that the government had confirmed that the Equifax hack was the work of the Chinese military. As we enter the age of AI-assisted warfare, it’s important to unpack some of the underlying issues. Continue Reading →
Have You Been Hacked
I got an email from Google AdWords thanking me for my payment. Payment? What payment? This is my personal, private email account; it's not tied to Google AdWords or anything else for that matter. Had I been hacked? Continue Reading →