eBay and OpenSea

OpenSea, the world's largest NFT marketplace, announced that it will lay off 20% of its staff. This is not a surprise. Cryptocurrencies, the main driver of value for NFT speculators, are trading 50%-70% below their all-time highs, and NFT trading volume on OpenSea has tumbled as well. Then, there's the overarching problem: while OpenSea continually evolves, NFTs continuously evolve. Continue Reading →
OpenSea, the world's largest NFT marketplace, informed people on its email list that an employee of Customer.io (OpenSea's bulk email vendor) gave the OpenSea email list to an outside party. OpenSea sent a note advising everyone on the list to beware of phishing schemes that are likely to ensue. Even if you didn't get a note, beware of phishing schemes. Continue Reading →

Can There Be Two?

Coke and Pepsi, McDonald's and Burger King, Tide and Gain. In the physical world, there are many competitive pairs. In the digital world (Google, Amazon, eBay, Netflix, etc.), the biggest companies tend to completely own their categories, which raises the question: Can Coinbase's new NFT marketplace find a place alongside category-leading OpenSea, or will one have to completely dominate the other? Continue Reading →

NFTs Going Mainstream

Looking for a Bored Ape but don't have any crypto? No problem… fiat currency is gladly accepted. OpenSea, one of the biggest and most popular NFT marketplaces, will soon let you buy and sell your NFTs with credit cards, debit cards, or Apple Pay. MoonPay, a fintech infrastructure company, will provide the tech. Continue Reading →

$1.7M of NFTs on OpenSea GG

This past Saturday, hackers socially engineered approximately 32 OpenSea users into signing incomplete contracts and stole 254 NFTs. Although it was a phishing attack, it caused a bit of a panic.  Continue Reading →