Making Sense of Streaming

Streaming Offerings
You want to cut the cord. You want to take advantage of this brave new video world. You are excited about all the new shows. Just how many video streaming services do you need to pay for? What is on each? Which is best for you? How do you make sense of the streaming universe? Once you get over Streaming Sticker Shock, you’ll want to develop your streaming service strategy, and here’s how to think about it. Continue Reading →

The Streaming Wars Begin

Shelly Palmer on Good Day New York
Excited about streaming AppleTV+, Disney+, HBO Max? Keeping Netflix, Hulu? Getting Amazon Prime or YouTubeTV? Be careful how many you sign up for or you'll be in streaming sticker shock. Shelly Palmer chats with Kerry Drew and Bianca Peters on Good Day New York. Original Airdate: October 29, 2019 Continue Reading →