
Hemu Nigam
This week on Shelly Palmer Digital Living, we talk online security with expert Hemu Nigam, co-chair of President Obama’s Online Safety Technology Working Group. We chat with Motorola’s Christa Smith and Rick Hartwig about their new tablet, the Motorola Xoom. Our cool website this week is and we’ll chat with its founder Danny Newman about how Continue Reading →
Verizon iPhone 4
Verizon’s CEO said that iPhone 4 sales are the best in history, selling more phones during its launch than any other. More than 60% of the purchases were made online, which explains why in-store sales looked poor. While no final numbers were given, analysts predict 500,000 sales during the first pre-sale alone. Read the full Continue Reading →
Talking While Driving
A recent survey reveals that mobile gadget users are ruder than ever. 75% of those surveyed believe that behavior has gotten worse since 2009. Over 90% said that they witness multiple infractions a day, like texting while driving and talking loudly in public. Read the full article at Continue Reading →
Google has recently taken extra measures to lower the ranks of websites that attempt to game the system. By adjusting its algorithm to weed out low-quality sites, Google hopes to fight link farms with spam content. With Internet content growing exponentially, Google hopes its efforts will increase search relevancy. Read the full article at Continue Reading →
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Click to play … ” dl=”0″] Verizon’s CEO said that iPhone 4 sales are the best in history, selling more phones during its launch than any other. More than 60% of the purchases were made online, which explains why in-store sales looked poor. While no final numbers were given, analysts predict 500,000 sales Continue Reading →
A startup company named Transphorm has developed a new technology that can transfer electricity with 90% less waste, using gallium nitride. Current conversions of alternating to direct currents lose 10% of all transformed energy. With widespread use, the technology could save enough energy to take California off the grid. Read the full article at Continue Reading →
It may be the most overused, least appreciated, most haphazardly defined word in modern life. Yet, it makes online commerce possible, discussion groups debatable and eBay profitable. Simultaneously, its abuse leads to urgent letters from Nigerian depositories, fuels goofball conspiracy theories, enables a menagerie of computer viruses, and funnels millions of hapless targets into the Continue Reading →

The Shift Age

In the past I have written that as a futurist, it sometimes feels like I live in a state of déjà vu. I spend a lot of time researching and looking into the future to develop the forecasts and trends that I write and speak about. I experience them, see them, and have varying degrees Continue Reading →
Intel Thunderbolt
Apple’s newest MacBook Pro comes equipped with Intel’s Thunderbolt technology which adds a port that can transfer data 20 times faster than USB 2.0. The Thunderbolt conduit can produce transfer rates of 10 gigabits per second, which means it can transfer an full-length HD movie in under 30 seconds. Intel’s technology was brought to the Continue Reading →