
SpacebarLive music fans already have some excellent choices for listening to concerts on an iOS device: Archivist, which taps into the massive Live Music Archive, is one great option. The just-launched Spacebar app is another. Rather than serving up concert recordings, however, Spacebar lets you listen in on live shows as they happen. There’s no archive here; once a concert is over, that’s it. In fact, before you can even hit the play button you’ll need to agree not to record, copy, or distribute the live stream. That strict usage policy helps Spacebar avoid costly licensing deals with publishers, according to TechCrunch. Artists have begun lining up to support Spacebar, and these aren’t just your local indie acts; Kanye West, Lady Gaga, and John Legend have signed on to stream shows this year. Users can listen to five minutes of each concert at no charge, after which they can pay $0.99 to keep streaming.

Read the full story at The Verge.

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