Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell, Saturday Night Live alum and star of the Anchorman films, is not a fan of cancer. On Oct. 26, he’ll be hosting a gaming event on Twitch in order to raise funds for children with cancer and their families. In the video, “Will Pharrell” claims he once played Asteroids for 37 hours straight with no bathroom break, among other things. But the stream is not a joke. Going to the promoted site — WillFerrellHatesCancer.org — redirects to an indiegogo campaign where the comedian details his goal to raise “$375,000 for charity and children with cancer.” There are perks at every level — and everyone who donates at least $10 will be entered into a drawing to play games, live with Ferrell at Twitch’s headquarters in San Francisco. The event will only happen if the campaign actually gets to $375,000. You can give directly to the campaign here.

Read the full story at Polygon. Donate money to his cause at Indiegogo.

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