Do You Know Your Resale Value?

Resale Value

Kelley Blue Book

38.2 percent.

According to Kelley Blue Book, that’s how much original value your car retains after five years.

Hurts, doesn’t it?

Just like cars, we all have a certain value at our jobs. Unlike cars, our price doesn’t have to go down. In fact, if we do things right, our value can increase year after year.

Here are five ways to maximize your worth as time goes by.

1. Heavy Detailing

To maintain a car’s value, it takes attention to detail. Same goes for your career. In short: know what you don’t know. Co-workers (and even bosses) may never tell you how to improve or reach the ‘next level.’ The burden is always on you.

More skills? More value.

More value? Higher price tag.

2. Shiny Wheels

Old tires say one thing: the car doesn’t move like it should. Valuable employees never say no to an opportunity, even something they’ve never done. Like four brand-new Goodyears itching to hit the pavement, you should always look for ways to get out and go. Working hard and brown-nosing are not the same thing. Any boss with a brain can tell the difference.

3. Award Winner

Car shows are a great opportunity to boost a vehicle’s value. Everyone likes a winner, right? Apply for honors and awards at your job or in your industry. If you win, awesome. An award instantly says to the entire company: I have value.

4. Get Your Papers in Order

A car owner enhances a vehicle’s worth by having all the paperwork organized. If you keep good record of work-related documents — and know how to find the right ones quickly — that’s added value. Bosses are busy people, and they need employees who can keep up.

5. It’s OK to Crash

Remember, humans aren’t totally like cars. The surefire way to lower a vehicle’s price tag is to get in a crash. In the work world, mistakes happen. How we respond defines our true worth. No one expects you to get it right every time. The most valuable employees learn quickly from a misfire and get it right from then on.

The second you drive a car off the lot, it starts to lose value. When it comes to a career, you have much better odds. That’s because you — and not Father Time — are in complete control. Spend your days wisely, and your stock goes up.

Then, don’t worry about estimating your resale value. You’ll be able to name your price.

How do you keep your car in tip-top shape? Share your secrets below!

(This content was originally posted at News to Live By.)

About Danny Rubin

Danny Rubin is a media strategist and the managing editor of News To Live By™, a blog for Millennials that highlights the career advice and leadership lessons "hidden" in the day's top stories. A former TV reporter, he's always looking for ways to apply the news to our own lives. Follow him at @NewsToLiveBy.



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